Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I've been working on things for my friend Amy's rockin' wedding this coming Saturday. (Amy's in the beehive picture.) Here's the menu:

Caesar salad
Baby Field Greens with dried cherries, blue cheese, hazelnuts and vinaigrette)
Texas slow smoked beef brisket
Smoked mozzarella & chicken lasagna
Baked beans with applewood smoked bacon
Mashed potatoes with blue cheese, bacon & caramelized onions
Garlic mashed potatoes
Blue Lake Beans with Toasted almonds and garlic butter
Roasted cornbread with jalapeno honey butter

Please note all the "smoked" items. I was the only one who picked that up, which is hysterically funny when you know the groom is a firefighter.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Seven Things: Hand-me-downs

After a busy day of working on the rock'n roll wedding, I'm winding down by lifting questions from CJ's blog.

1. Have you ever worn hand-me-downs? Yes indeedy, when I was a kid.

2. Where did you get them from? My mother's friend had a daughter a little older than me so I got her clothes.

3. Have you ever given hand-me-downs? Hmmm, does it count if my mother handed-down to my little sister?

4. To Whom? Aforementioned little sister.

5. How do you feel about hand-me-downs? I loathed them as a kid. Once I starting having to buy my own clothes I became much more appreciative.

6. Do you frequent yard sales? Nope. To quote the wise CJ "I have enough junk of my own."

7. If you were given $25,000 to purchase furniture for your home, would you buy new or an antique? Depends. Were I be able to find an original Frank Lloyd Wright desk, designed for the Johnson Wax headquarters, absolutely. Barring finding an original, and with some free money, I'd pay the $8000 for a reproduction ;-)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New blog, old photo

I've been very neglectful of this blog, shame on me! There really hasn't been anything smart-ass to report. Work is going well, Demon Kitty has me up way to early, same ol' same ol'.

However, someone has requested a picture so I'm reposting the 60s party beehive. Again, it took 45 minutes to go up, 45 minutes to come down and hurt like a sumbitch both ways, it's a one-time only event. I'm on the left, my friend Amy is on the right. Her wedding is Nov. 1st, I'm busy-busy-busy, it's gonna rock. Really. Stay tuned.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Well Crap

It seems the original Alesia Minutia has disappeared. It's been a horrible morning with Blogger so maybe a clean slate is for the best.

I did start my "professional" blog this morning - and on Typepad. You can find it at www.alesiazorn.typepad.com Hopefully tonight it'll be embedded in my website as well.