Sunday, October 26, 2008

Seven Things: Hand-me-downs

After a busy day of working on the rock'n roll wedding, I'm winding down by lifting questions from CJ's blog.

1. Have you ever worn hand-me-downs? Yes indeedy, when I was a kid.

2. Where did you get them from? My mother's friend had a daughter a little older than me so I got her clothes.

3. Have you ever given hand-me-downs? Hmmm, does it count if my mother handed-down to my little sister?

4. To Whom? Aforementioned little sister.

5. How do you feel about hand-me-downs? I loathed them as a kid. Once I starting having to buy my own clothes I became much more appreciative.

6. Do you frequent yard sales? Nope. To quote the wise CJ "I have enough junk of my own."

7. If you were given $25,000 to purchase furniture for your home, would you buy new or an antique? Depends. Were I be able to find an original Frank Lloyd Wright desk, designed for the Johnson Wax headquarters, absolutely. Barring finding an original, and with some free money, I'd pay the $8000 for a reproduction ;-)


CJ Kennedy said...

That is one cool desk! It will go on my wishlist after the cherry pie crust table. We'll be able to do buy them, Al, when Auntie Rose comes through with the big one!

Alesia said...

OF COURSE!! What was I thinking? or not thinking?! I totally forgot about Auntie Rose!