Friday, December 19, 2008


Just read Judy's blog where she discusses the -15 wind chill in N. Dakota being a warm up. That ain't right, that just ain't right. I feel much better about our weather in Portland.
I was going to write my big bitch about the weather, but I'm listening to the post office workers getting ready to head out onto our icy streets and sidewalks. I'm very fortunate I don't have any place to be.


CJ Kennedy said...

No way is -15 windchill a warm up. that's like saying Arizona has a dry heat. It started snowing right now. We're supposed to get a foot. The Young One had no school. The Eldest came home last night from college. Himself's college closed at noon and he's home. It can snow to the eaves. All the chicks are home.

JLH said...

Well, now we are having another blizzard!! Today it was +1 outside with a chill factor of only about
-19 and it felt positively balmy out there!! (I had to go out, had a massage appt at 3 o'clock.) After having mild winters for several years we who live here in ND are all in shock and disbelief over this distressing weather. Did I say distressing? Just being polite.